AdiIRC Beta 1.4.7 - 31-03-2006
- Fixed better parse of /banlist, inc unixtime to date convert
- Fixed "Message jumps" bug when undocking windows
- Fixed Dockbar text aligning wrong after swapping rafting side
- AutoConnect, now (safely) connects at once
- Fixed some issues with Winamp search focus/selected items
- Fixed default kill message is (usernick)
- Selected usernick in userlist no longer displayed when not focused
- Lots of cosmetic changes to buttons and popup dialogs
- Added Opacity (Alt + Up/Down) to Commands, Winamp, options, server forms
- Made Custom Commands and Winamp search forms scaleable
- Fixed F11 fullscreen now is real fullscreen
- Fixed TimerThreads will try to kill them self when closing MainForm
- Fixed some Options save bugs when in QuickConnect mode
- Added some check rutines to startup autoconnect (more threadsafe)
- Added Disable option to Bandwidth Adapter, now disabled per default
- Added vertical scrollbar to custom commands
- Cleaned up Icontray menu, remove win items, added serverlist, winamp, display
- Made some changes to AutoUpdate, transparent to old versions
- Changed Help menu, now opens url to website
- Fixed some small bugs in Winamp Search
- Added Statusbar interval options (in milliseconds)
- Added Statusbar options to toggle what labels to display
- Fixed clicking ballontray didnt popup mainform when minimized to tray
- Added currently playing Winamp song label to statusbar
- Removed Window and Commands menues from Quick login
- Added Menu "View" and Toolbar/Statusbar toogle items
- Made BW timer sleep when mainform is minimized